Love Blog Award–for all gorgeous people that I ever know.


Sudah lewat satu hari dari post sebelumnya kan? Yah, minimal udah beda tanggal XD. So, pasti. Hehe.. malem-malem gini saya lagi blogwalking dan nemu ini award. Yang kena tag, wajib pasang awardnya!

The aims of this award:

  • As a dedication for those who love blogging activity and love to encourage friendships through blogging.
  • To seek the reasons why we all love blogging!

Here are the rules of the award:

  • Put the award in one post as soon as you receive it
  • Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award.
  • Answer the award’s question by writing the reason why you love blogging.
  • Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like.
  • Don’t forget to notify the award receivers and put their links in your post.

So, why I love blogging?
Answer: Because I love to write. And I’m not kind of extrovert person who can talk about myself more than 10 minutes. I can’t share it although I want it so bad. That’s why blogging can make me fallin’.

Yang kena tagged, pajang dong di blognya..

1. Nta
2. Gen
3. Amel
4. Quavi
5. Mas Iwan
6. Mas Bayu Mukti
7. Okke
8. Dhea
9. Cubung
10. Bayu
11. Dhilla
12. Bleklip
13. Natsu a.k.a. Auria

Wadaww~ 13th persons. Nyoh.. yang ketigabelas siap-siap di datengin deh =))
Bukan maksud hati buat macem-macem yak, tapi itu saya kasih kesempatan supaya kalian yang terpilih *tsah* berkesempatan untuk ngasih award ke yang lainnya. Ntar kalau saya borong semuanya jadi nggak seru ;))

Oh ya, sebenarnya itu ada beberapa blog yang nggak tukeran link sama blog saya, tapi tetep saya pajang karena blognya sudah jadi langganan ‘acara jalan-jalan sore‘ saya selama ini. Nice blog, guys 😉

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